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Get Involved


Sign up for our digital newsletter and stay in the know about new songs, art galleries, and more.



It’s not just our groups and musicians—there’s a lot of folks behind the scenes that help us empower underrepresented voices! Your contributions help us continue to bring our workshops to new communities throughout Central Ohio.


Looking for a more hands on way to get involved, come be a part of one of our workshops or events! Whether helping serve at a fundraiser event, or lending your expertise to a creative workshop, there are many ways you can be a part of our mission. 


Some of WAV’s most impactful moments have come as a result of teaming up with other non-profit organizations who have missions that align with ours. Would a creative, collaborative exercise in expression and empowerment be something that would add value to your current programming? We’re available to co-write grants and create programming partnerships that amplify impact.


Become a WAV Arist

Apply to join our roster of talented local artists who work directly with our groups to create original music, artwork and more !

"Everybody has a unique perspective that the world deserves to hear WAV brings that to light.”

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